Monday, July 6, 2009

The Death of a moral ethic

There's a declining moral ethic that is infecting millions of people, that is that work is the most important thing and that possessions are paramount. Which are, as a matter-a-fact, some of the least important things. Sure, they are nice, but at what point does it turn from owning material things to being possessed by your possessions? When has you toaster ever thanked you for taking it to the ballgame? (and by the way if you are taking appliances to sporting events, please seek professional help now) The most important things are those which cannot be bought and sold. (at least in this country, legally) Your kids, your spouse, your freedom. Don’t become a voluntary slave to the mechanisms of modern life.

(click on it or here, doesn't matter)

Sorry, I would normally embed the video into the page but youtube has disabled the embeding feature for this video. I'll work on it.

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